Recently, a group of boys and girls from Year 6 took part in this year’s Sportshall Athletics Competition held at the Louisa Centre, Stanley. The children participated in a wide range of athletic track and field events and greatly enjoyed competing against peers from other local schools. All our children were fantastic ambassadors for our school, demonstrating a fantastic team spirt and cheering one another on throughout. Several children won their individual events and overall Delves finished in a close second place. Congratulations to all the children who took part. Go Team Delves!
Sportshall Athletics Competition
Recently, a group of boys and girls from Year 6 took part in this year’s Sportshall Athletics Competition held at the Louisa Centre, Stanley. The children participated in a wide range of athletic track and field events and greatly enjoyed competing against peers from other local schools. All our children were fantastic ambassadors for our school, demonstrating a fantastic team spirt and cheering one another on throughout. Several children won their individual events and overall Delves finished in a close second place. Congratulations to all the children who took part. Go Team Delves!
Halloween Multi-Skills Festival
Maple and Juniper Class had a spooktacular time at the Halloween Multi-Skills Festival at the Louisa Centre!
They had so much fun joining in with the Halloween themed PE activities, which included an Addams Family themed dance class, several spooky obstacle courses and many more tricks and treats.
We were extremely proud of how the children demonstrated great sportsmanship and determination throughout the activities – well done to all the children in Maple and Juniper Class!
Derwentside Cross Country Competition
Recently, group of boys and girls from the juniors took part in this year’s Derwentside Cross Country Competition. Well done to everyone who took part. It was fantastic to see everyone giving it their absolute all in particularly muddy conditions and displaying some excellent determination and team spirt throughout. All the boys and girls were excellent ambassadors for our school and should be very proud of their efforts. A huge congratulations to our Year 5/6 Girls Team who finished in 1st place overall to be crowned Derwentside Champions! Go Team Delves!!
Sports Day 2021-22
This week our children have been taking part in their annual sports days. All the children had a fantastic time taking part in the wide range of sporting activities on offer, from an action-packed set of activities for our early years classes to various track and field events for our KS1 and KS2 pupils.
It has been fantastic to see the children getting outdoors and demonstrating what excellent sporting talent we have at our school. Well done to all the children who took part to make each event such a success!
Take a look at the pictures below to see some of our children in action…
Reception Sports Day
Year 1 & 2 Sports Day
Year 3 & 4 Sports Day
Year 5 & 6 Sports Day
Kwik Cricket Festival (Year 6) 2021-22
This year we took four teams of our Year 6 children to the Kwik Cricket Festival held at Consett Cricket Club. The festival is an early introduction to Cricket and allowed the children to put their skills to the test against children from other local primary schools. All the children were fantastic representatives for our school and performed very well throughout, demonstrating some excellent cricketing skill, determination and team spirit. Well done to everyone who took part!
See below for a range of pictures from the day…
District Athletics Competition (Year 6) 2021-22
Recently, a group of pupils competed in the District Athletics Competition at the Riverside Athletics complex in Chester Le Street. Although a competition in itself, this event is a trials event to help select children from across our local area to represent Derwentside in the Durham County Athletics Competition later in the year. All the children who took part put 100% effort into every event and where fantastic representatives of our school, cheering on one another throughout. The children performed excellently on the day with several winning their individual events which is a fantastic achievement. Everyone who took part should be very proud of their efforts and we wish all the children who qualify the best of luck in the Durham County Athletics Competition later in the year!
Tag Rugby Festival (Year 4) 2021-22
Recently, Year 4 had an amazing time at the Tag Rugby Festival. It was an incredible day out and we did not let the rain stop us from having lots of fun. We started the morning off by learning the basic rules of Tag Rugby and then played matches against other local schools. We soon got the idea of the game and everyone tried extremely hard in all the matches. After lunch, we were much more confident and worked really well in teams, scoring many tries and winning several games. Year 4 displayed great sportsmanship sharing positive comments with teammates but also other school teams too. Well done to everyone who took part!
Indoor Athletics Competition (Year 6) 2021-22
This week, a group of boys and girls from Year 6 took part in the SLP Indoor Athletics Competition held at the Louisa Centre, Stanley. The children had a great time trying out a range of athletic track and field events and competing against peers from other local primary schools. All our children were fantastic ambassadors for our school, demonstrating a fantastic team spirt and determination throughout. Congratulations to Craig who received an individual award for ‘Respect’ chosen by the event organisers. Well done Team Delves!
Indoor Athletics Festival (Year 4) 2021-22
Year 4 had a wonderful time at the Louisa Centre for their Indoor Athletics Festival. They very much enjoyed the different athletic games and demonstrating their throwing, jumping and running skills. Everyone was exceptionally well behaved and showed outstanding effort in every activity they tried. Awards were even given to Eva for showing great self-belief and to Nicole for showing great determination!