We are proud to say we are a ‘Rights Respecting School’ and have achieved UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School Silver Award. This award demonstrates our commitment to pupil’s welfare.
We believe that all children have the right to a good quality education (Article 28) and that this education should develop their talents and abilities and enable all children to reach their full potential (Article 29).

All classes create their own class charters which are based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
As a Rights Respecting School we place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of our school ethos. We seek to embed the CRC into our curriculum as widely as possible both in our classrooms and in whole school assemblies. Each of our classes has created its own classroom charter based on the rights of the child.
The children at our school understand that everyone has rights, both adults and children, and that alongside rights go the responsibility to respect the rights of others. This includes respect for parents, their values and culture.
We are incredibly proud of the work our school has done to become a Rights Respecting School and our Rights Respecting School Council play a very important part in ensuring that the children’s right to have a say in all matters affecting them is upheld (Article 12). Meeting regularly, our school council discuss ideas for ensuring that all children and staff in our school know about children’s rights and put forward ideas and suggestions to make our school a happy and respectful place to learn.

Our Rights- Respecting School Council meets every week after school.

Mrs. Teneur (OPAL leader) met with our RR School Council to ask the children for their ideas on how to improve our playtimes.

Local MP Richard Holden and councillor Angela Sterling came into school to meet with our Rights-Respecting School Council.