Our School Office Staff are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.
Downloadable Forms/Important Information
Here are a selection of our downloadable forms.
We also have a school facebook page which is really helpful in keeping everyone upto date with things happening in school.
School Meals
Please click on the link to view our Autumn/Winter Menu
Please click on the link below to see Chartwells Autumn 2024 Parents Newsletter
Children can choose to have either a packed lunch every day or a school meal every day.
Please note that if children wish to change to/from school meals and/or packed lunches we must have a weeks notice.
Our school meals are provided by Chartwells and cost £2.81 per day for school children. Meals can be paid using the Arbor Parent Portal, please contact the office if you require login details. Meals cannot be paid for using childcare vouchers.
School meals are currently free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. However, if you think you qualify for free school meals under the current criteria, please contact the school office for an eligibility form.
Winter Weather Information
Due to our location of our school we have to prepare for the possibility of snow disruption in winter. Please find a Winter Weather guidance leaflet for parents and carers by clicking the link below:
Adobe Reader
You may need a product like Adobe Reader (free download) to view our PDF documents on our website.