At Delves Lane Primary all our children are part of either Griffin, Unicorn, Minotaur or Phoenix House. These team names were thought of by our school council and voted for by the children. We try to place siblings in the same house team.
House points can be earned by individuals or groups and can be awarded for excellent behaviour and/or good work. The children will also earn house points during intra-school sporting competitions such as Sports Day or House Cup Sports Events.
Take a look at the links below for a taste of some of the House Cup Sports Events that have taken place previously…
Year 3 House Cup Dodgeball Competition
Year 4 House Cup Football Fives Competition
Year 5 House Cup Kwik Cricket Competition
Year 6 House Cup Tennis Competition
House points can be given by any member of the school staff including lunch supervisors and office staff and are an excellent way of promoting and rewarding positive attitudes or behaviour.
Scores are collected weekly and announced in Friday’s well done assembly. At the end of each term, the points are added together and the winning team is announced in our final well done assembly of each term. The winning house team each term receives a house reward afternoon and the overall yearly winners will get to take part in a mystery reward trip.
Good luck to all of the teams!
Current Scores:
Category | Griffin | Unicorn | Minotaur | Phoenix |
Autumn Term | ||||
Spring Term | ||||
Summer Term | ||||
Year 3 Dodgeball House Cup Sports Event | ||||
Year 4 Indoor Athletics House Cup Sports Event | ||||
Year 5 Tag Rugby House Cup Sports Event | ||||
Year 6 Kwik Cricket House Cup Sports Event | ||||
Sports Day | ||||
Last Year’s Scores:
Griffin | Unicorn | Minotaur | Phoenix |
20,054 | 21,212 | 20,970 | 21,194 |
Last year’s winners were Unicorn House!
A huge congratulations to all the children in Team Unicorn – keep up the great work! To celebrate their success and all their hard work, the children took part in a special end of year reward experience voted for by our school council.