French at Delves Lane Primary School
At Delves Lane Primary School, we aim to provide children with a high-quality education in French and offer a range of experiences to develop their understanding of the wider world and different cultures. Every class in Key Stage 2 has a French lesson for an hour each week. French lessons are delivered by specialised teaching staff from Lingotots and the Lingotots teaching scheme is used to develop children’s French language skills to a high standard.
Children begin by being supported with their speaking and listening skills though conversational work, singing activities and games. As their confidence and skills grow, the activities delivered encourage recording work through pictures, captions and sentences. French lessons by Lingotots are taught to ensure children develop their key language learning skills which are set out by the national curriculum, as well as developing a love for languages and learning about different cultures.
For more information about Lingotots, please visit their website:
International schools
We are proud to have a partner school in Hilary English School in Nepal. The school is called Hilary English School which is based in Kathmandu. The exchange involves a reciprocated visit where the international coordinators from each school visit each other’s school to strengthen the partnership and to provide authentic experiences for children in both schools. It links closely to our Rights Respecting School award, giving pupils opportunity to build friendships with different children and educating them on the wider world. Take a look at the presentation below to find out a little bit more about out partner school!