At Delves Lane Primary School, we aim to provide children with a high-quality education in French and offer a range of experiences to develop their understanding of the wider world and different cultures. French lessons are delivered by our specialised teacher from Lingotots and the Lingotots Programme of Study is used to develop children’s French language skills to a high standard. We strive to ensure that: all the attainment targets of the new Programme of Study are met; lessons are ambitious and built on prior knowledge to show progression; all lessons aim to develop a love of languages.
Our aims of MFL coverage in school and International Schools include the following:
- By the end of children’s primary education at Delves Lane Primary School, they have all acquired an understanding of both spoken and written language in French and are confident to speak in French
- Children understand how important other languages can be in their future
- Children develop an appreciation of different cultures throughout all primary ages
- Children value diversity and appreciate similarities between people living in different countries across the world
- Children have an awareness of cultural differences and global issues
French lessons are planned and taught by the Lingotots teacher and French language skills are developed through regular lessons lasting one hour each week for children in Key Stage 2, allowing them to use and apply French in a range of scenarios and topics. Activities are planned in a thorough, steady sequence using the three pillars of progression as building blocks to learn French. The three key pillars of progression are: phonics, vocabulary and grammar. At the beginning of Key Stage 2, children begin by being supported with their speaking and listening skills through conversational work, singing activities and games. As their confidence and skills grow, the activities delivered encourage recording work through pictures, captions and sentences. All recordings made are documented in each child’s official learning portfolio.
Additionally, our aim is to ensure all pupils from Delves Lane Primary School are exposed to the international links we have and complete activities related to the wider world to celebrate diversity across the globe and understand and reflect on current global issues.
French lessons by Lingotots are taught to ensure children develop their key language learning skills which are set out by the national curriculum. We also strive to develop a love for languages and learning about different cultures. The French Programme of Study taught shows clear progression to GCSE languages. Children receive their Certificate in Primary French at the end of year 6 and this is accessible for all learners, including those with SEND. The Lingotots teacher also thoroughly assesses the children termly and their workbooks become their portfolio documents for their qualification. Alongside this, the international activities related to different cultures and around current global issues which children participate in will help them to: develop self-awareness about how they can connect with the wider world;
appreciate diversity by celebrating different cultural events and respecting others; develop an understanding of global issues and develop into responsible individuals to ensure they understand their role in looking after our planet.