Our over-arching aim through our teaching of music is to enthuse children about the subject. Musical Learning is taught through the four stands: Active listening, Singing, Composing and Performing.
Music provokes and answers questions about the structure and organisation of music through active listening. We teach them to listen and to appreciate different types of music. It develops knowledge of music through singing songs. Developing the children’s ability to sing in tune and with other people, we aim to build up the confidence of all children through performance. In addition, we also teach them simple musical notation and how to compose their own music with access to tuned and untuned instruments.
To implement our curriculum intent for Music, we use music-focused units of work, using Charanga units as a basis. We have chosen this approach as it:
- Offers engaging and motivating lessons and resources
- Provides a coherent and structured approach to Music which is sequential, offering appropriate progression as children move through the school
- Offers consistency of key knowledge, skills and vocabulary across the school
- Each half term, each year has one Music unit which focuses on developing children’s musical knowledge and/ or skill.
In Year 3, children have Ukulele lessons from a specialist music teacher from Durham Music Service, throughout the year.
In our school, children have access to a music scheme which allows them to discover their areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon. We expect that most children will achieve age related standards in music by the end of the year. We recognise that some children may not achieve this standard, but we will expect that they have made good progress from their starting point.
As a school, we assess the impact of our curriculum in a number of ways.
This may be done through performances, assessments, displays and discussions with our children.