At Delves Lane Primary School we believe that every child has the right to know how to be safe and healthy (UNCRC Articles 19 and 24) and an important aspect of this is having access to reliable, accurate information (UNCRC Article17). The aim of our Relationships, Sex and Health Education Programme is to provide balanced factual information about physical and emotional changes, together with consideration of the broader emotional, ethical, religious, and moral dimensions of sexual health. We believe good relationships are fundamental in life and we aim to help our children understand the importance of stable, loving, healthy, positive relationships, focusing on family and friendships, including those on and off line.
We aim to prepare pupils for an adult life in which they can:
- develop positive values and a moral framework that will guide their decisions, judgements and behaviour.
- have the confidence and self-esteem to respect themselves and others and the skills to judge what kind of relationship they want.
- understand the consequences of their actions and behave responsibly within personal relationships e.g. friendships.
- avoid being pressured into uncomfortable or dangerous situations.
- communicate effectively by developing the appropriate language for their bodies, puberty, sex and relationship issues.
- have an understanding of seeking permission and consent.
- develop awareness of their evolving sexuality and gender identity and challenge sexism and prejudice which is inclusive to all children and young people.
- understand the importance of keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy.
- have sufficient information and skills to protect themselves in a variety of situations including from exploitation.
- be aware of sources of help and acquire the skills and confidence to access advice and support if necessary.
As a Rights Respecting School, we provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about their rights and responsibilities and to appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to value empathy and kindness: to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
In our school, every class participates in a weekly PSHE/RSHE lesson using the Jigsaw scheme of work. Jigsaw teaching materials integrate personal, social and health Education (PSHE) into a whole-school approach. The expectations of the DFE Relationships and Health Education guidance is specifically covered in the Relationships and Healthy Me units, with puberty and human reproduction being taught in the Changing Me unit. Biological aspects of RSHE are also delivered within the science curriculum.
Following the ‘JIGSAW’ scheme of work, pupils take a mindful approach to this subject focusing on the development of emotional literacy and the nurturing of social skills. Jigsaw promotes a spiral approach to learning so that key knowledge and skills are built upon in each successive year group. In our school, all children complete the same piece of the puzzle during the same time.
- Autumn Term 1 – Being me in my world
- Autumn 2 – Celebrating difference
- Spring 1 – Dreams and goals
- Spring 2 – Healthy me
- Summer 1 – Relationships
- Summer 2 – Changing me
These explicit lessons are reinforced and enhanced by our whole school enrichments days which take place every half-term (see below), our weekly assemblies and visits from outside agencies and professionals.
- Autumn 1 – Welcome Back Week,
- Autumn 2 – Anti-Bullying Day
- Spring 1 – Internet Safety Day, Science Week
- Spring 2 – Interfaith and Diversity Day
- Summer 1 – Health and Wellbeing Day
- Summer 2 – Moving Up Day
At our school, we ensure that each year group participates in a range of activities which help the children develop their awareness of personal safety. These are as follows:
- EY/FS: Our Local Heroes (people who help us)
- Year 1: Visit from RSPCC, Fire Safety workshop
- Year 2: Visit from RSPCC, Ben and Jet (stranger awareness)
- Year 3: Ben and Jet (internet safety) Road Safety workshops, Swimming.
- Year 4: RNLI (water safety workshop), Cycling Proficiency (Level 1)
- Year 5: PSO visit (cyberbullying workshop), First Aid workshop (St. John’s Ambulance)
- Year 6: PSO visit (cyberbullying/online safety including sexting workshops), Ben and Jet (personal safety), Cycling Proficiency (Level 2), Swimming, Safety Carousel (DCC)
For more detailed information about our curriculum, see our PSHE/RSHE curriculum map.
The intended impact of our PSHE/RSHE curriculum is that children build the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to become confident and responsible members of society.
- Children will know more, understand more and remember more about our PSHE/RSE curriculum with having dedicated time to learn.
- Children will have respect for themselves and others and will demonstrate this by their behaviour towards themselves and others.
- Children will be able to demonstrate a positive attitude towards their health and safety, family and friends and school life.
- Children will understand the physical and emotional aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level in line with the new statutory guidelines.
- Children will develop positive self-esteem and confidence to enable them to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.