4th January 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Re: Update on School Closure
Thank you for your patience while we waited for further information re school closures.
Further to messages sent out yesterday, I would like to provide more information about the Spring Term.
I am sure you will have heard that there are ongoing discussions between the Government, Trade Unions,
SAGE and other professional bodies surrounding the return of children and the growing concerns
regarding high numbers of COVID-19 cases and the new highly transmissible variant of Coronavirus.
Following lengthy discussions, we will be moving to remote learning for the next two weeks. Children of
Critical Workers and vulnerable pupils will be able to attend school from Tuesday 5th January 2021.
Remote learning will be available for all pupils from Nursery to Year 6, whilst children are at home. Staff
have been busy preparing these today so that it is accessible from 8am tomorrow morning.
Benefit Related Free School Meals
Parents of children who are eligible for free school meals will be contacted today. Parents and Carers
will be able to collect a free school meal packed lunch from the site at an agreed time.
Critical Workers Children and Vulnerable Pupils
Further information regarding key workers/vulnerable pupils is available here:
Parents of children who accessed a place during the last lockdown have been contacted today. If your
child did not attend during the previous lockdown but you think they are eligible, please email us at
delveslaneprimary@durhamlearning.net outlining parent employment and contact details.
Remote Learning
As we have stated above, all children will be provided with remote learning from tomorrow. Those
children who do attend school will access the same lessons as those children who remain at home.
We have some laptops available should any families require technology support. At this time, we are
prioritising children in Classes 11,12,13 & 14, but may have some available for other children if required.
We will be writing to you later this week with more information about our remote education offer, and
personalising it further to Delves Lane Primary School from the beginning
Google Classroom and Tapestry
If you require any support with login details for Google Classroom or Tapestry, please telephone or email
our school.
We’ll keep you updated once we know more about when the school will be able to reopen for all
children. For pupils at home, we’ll continue to support you and your child with home learning, and free
school meal support for those pupils who are eligible. Staff will make contact via telephone and email to
families to give assistance at least twice weekly.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office by telephone, or send us an email. We
cannot welcome parents and carers onto the site at this time.
Stay safe and take care of your families.
Mrs Woods