Message sent on behalf of John Pearce, Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services
SEND Revisit Ofsted CQC Letter to parents
I wrote to you earlier this week to let you know that Ofsted and CQC will be undertaking the re-visit of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in County Durham between 22nd and 24th January 2020.
In advance of the re-visit, Ofsted have asked for information to be shared with parents/carers of children with SEND about the re-visit.
Ofsted have provided a letter (attached), which they have asked to be disseminated to parents and carers of children with SEND. The letter outlines information about the re-visit and sets out the opportunities that parents have to contribute their views.
The Local Area will need your help with communicating the letter to parents/carers. You may recall supporting us to do this in 2017 through letters you circulated to parents.
I will be very grateful if you can share the letter to parents and carers of children with SEND (children with Education, Health and Care Plans and those with SEND support plans) as soon as possible so that parents and carers are informed and have the opportunity to be involved in the re-visit process.
If you have any queries about this please contact Anne McDonough on 03000 269141 or
Thank you for your help with this matter.
John Pearce
Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Services